
Street Foods

Fishballs - Minced fish rolled into balls. But some are made out of flour with fish flavorings. They are fried and put in skewers and dipped in either a sour dip or a spicy dip or a sweet dip.



The climate of the Philippines is characterized by having relatively high temperatures and high humidity. This is a reason why chilled drinks are popular.

Taho is bean curd, sweet (but not too sweet) arnibal (liquefied raw sugar) and soft sago (tapioca balls). Carrying a contraption that consists of two large aluminium buckets specifically designed for taho and a long narrow wooden plank, where these two buckets hang on each end. The vendors herald "TAHOOOOOO!" while walking at a considerable pace along the sidewalk. The history of taho is not yet fully understood, but early records suggest that the delicacy is from China, adapted by Filipinos.

Ice candy, known internationally as popsicle, is just frozen juice in a plastic, the end of which you nibble on to suck the ice candy. You can find them in different flavours. (buko (coconut), mango, etc.)

Sorbetes, nicknamed dirty ice cream is just home made ice cream that is sold by street vendors pushing colourful carts. It was probably called that way to differentiate it from the branded ice cream made by big international ice cream makers. 

Filipino dirty ice cream is a lot less creamy than most American ice creams, probably due to the use of less milk/cream and more water. You can get it in different flavours.


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